Bath Spa Osteopathy
Call now: 07791 959256

Osteopathy in Bath

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a gentle, effective manual therapy which uses a variety of techniques to ease pain and stiffness throughout the body. Osteopaths treat the person as a whole, recognising that the body is a complex and highly interconnected unit with the ability to heal itself, if conditions are right. Treatment focusses on removing the barriers to that natural healing process by releasing areas of tension in the neuro-musculo-skeletal system, restoring harmonious balance and movement to the body.


If you are unsure whether we can help, please feel free to call and we will be happy to advise you.

What can Osteopaths Treat?

  • Migraine prevention
  • Headaches
  • Neck pain
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Arthritic pain
  • Rheumatic pain
  • Digestive issues
  • Circulatory problems
  • Sports Injuries
  • Back pain and lumbago
  • Hip and knee problems
  • Foot and ankle pains
  • Sinus pain
  • Achilles heel
  • Sciatica
  • Neuralgias (trapped nerves)
  • Cramps and muscle spasms
  • Fibromyalgia

What to expect at your first appointment

Your first osteopathy appointment will last an hour, and includes a detailed case history, followed by a thorough physical assessment. This may include special testing such as orthopaedic or neurological screens depending on your symptoms. Please wear or bring comfortable loose clothing that allows movement- shorts or leggings for example. After the osteopathic assessment, your diagnosis and proposed treatment plan will be discussed with you. You will have time to ask any questions, and if you are happy to proceed we will begin your treatment.


Cranial osteopathy



Cranial osteopathy is a very gentle and relaxing treatment approach which uses subtle movements in the connective tissues to detect and treat areas of restriction and tension throughout the whole body.


Classical osteopathy



The Classical approach (also known as the general osteopathic technique) uses rhythmic mobilisations of each joint to locate and treat areas of stiffness and restriction, ensuring the body is functioning at its best.


Visceral osteopathy



This approach involves gently mobilising the abdominal organs and their supporting ligaments in order to improve lymphatic drainage, and address digestive and circulatory issues.

Sports Taping


Sports (Kinesio) taping is often used by elite athletes to improve performance, but can also be a very useful adjunct to manual therapy to aid the healing process while providing flexible support to the area.


Medical Acupuncture


Medical acupuncture (‘dry needling’) involves inserting very fine sterile pins into the skin, and can be very effective for pain relief and relaxation of muscle spasms.

What Training Do Osteopaths Receive?

Osteopaths train for a minimum of 4 years full time, which includes at least 1000 hours treating patients in a supervised clinical setting. Osteopaths also receive extensive training in anatomy, physiology, pathology, neurology and orthopaedics. The General Osteopathic Council ( is the regulatory body for all registered osteopaths.



As primary healthcare providers and musculoskeletal experts, we can provide you with access to assessment, diagnosis and effective treatment or onward referral- often on the same day you visit!

google reviews

“After having suffered with my back for what seems like decades and in recent months a pinched nerve I can honestly recommend Marianne … Pinched nerve gone and my post-surgery trauma pains almost gone too. Updated 2/3 months forward and the post op pains are gone. I haven’t felt so free in ages! Thank you so much Marianne”

– Traya Gullis